Il fait tres froid, au jourd'hui. Also, there was a snow storm all day yesterday and last night, and the snow is blown into HUGE drifts! We haven't seen snow like this since the first year we moved here, and the mild-coast girl in me rejoices at the exoticness of it all. I was out shovelling yesterday, and there is so much of it that there is nowhere to pile it- it is quite a strange phenomenon to be standing there, holding a shovel full of white powder, and looking around for a place to dump it. It is piled up high against the fence, and we can't dump it in the road...so where does it go?

Yesterday we decided to start decorating the house for Christmas, since my grandmere is coming to visit for a while. She always bakes the most lovely Christmas stuff, and when she visits the house smells good all the time. She is also a very interesting person: she discovered a love of travel when my grandfather died a few years ago, and she is almost always off on some jaunt around the world now, taking cruises and exploring Hong Kong by herself. She and her sisters (also widows) also like to take off unexpectedly on road trips down to California, or Mexico, or across the country. She is fluent in German, shorthand, and loves to read. Oh, also knitting and crocheting. And embroidery. She plays the piano, organ, and has a wonderful voice.

We have these lit up stars that we bought this year, and we have strung them across our kitchen window. Although slightly tacky, they look amazing in the dark, and fill the kitchen with a sun-set type of glow that warms up the soul. I cancelled all my going-out plans last night because of the storm, and opted to stay home: my parents were hosting a "German party" in honour of my dad's trip, and so lots of friends braved the treacherous roads and came to our snug and warm home, bearing good things to eat and drink. Us young people watched "A White Christmas" in the spirit of the season, while the "olds" played in the kitchen. We all gathered round the dining room table, and feasted on roast pork, red cabbage, potato dumplings, and other delicacies. There was even German apple wine, which i thought tasted horrid- i like to think i have mature tastes when it comes to food and drink, but this was undrinkable, and even after a few tries it didn't grow on me. I have to go study now, but it was a wonderful warm night.
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