A lives quite close to the down-town core, and i live just over the river on the university side. So it wasn't difficult to wander around, get changed in the car, and avoid the dumpster diver's leers. And im sure we did make quite a scene...after all, it's what we do.

This was behind one of my favourite diner's downtown. I used to bartend there, once i had graduated high school, in order to make money to go travelling. It made for a wonderfully gritty back-drop.

There was another photo-shoot today, and we tramped through this muddy field to find the perfect shot: i haven't seen the results yet, but i hope they are good! These favourite boots of mine got quite filthy, and i will have to see what can be done to rescue them. While i quite like the whole "grunge" thing sometimes, other times i just like to keep my shoes clean, y'know? Hmmm, Christmas is coming, and that means buying Christmas gifts. I usually spend hours and hours thinking about what to get people, but somehow i never manage to buy the right thing. I am notoriously bad at buying gifts! Last year i got my mother a bag of (albliet) nice coffee...she wasn't too impressed. Ahhh well, I'll try my darndest this year...maybe this time at least one will make someone happy :) Oh! Fathzer got back from Germany last night, and he brought back a wiff of European air with him. We got scarves, chocolate, and these little smoking men...i will post a picture later, as they are difficult to explain. Also, these bubble-gum cigarettes which i was so excited for because i thought they were real at first...nope, just candy! But very realistic, and fun to bug our mother with. He had an amazing trip, got along with Henry just splendidly, and I'm glad they had fun, though just a teensy bit jealous that they got to go in the first place.
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