School has started up again. no more late nights spent on porches drinking wine and eating chocolate mousse. no more hot months where you throw on a piece of silk and dont take it off all week. northern canadian summers are surprisingly wonderful- the heat collects in the earth and makes the nights warm, often causing terrific storms with the odd tornado thrown in. my house is close to the big river that flows through the city, so i would often spend my days exploring the woods and trails down there equipped with my camera, a notebook, and the faithful golden retriever. in the evenings after work i would meet friends downtown, and we'd go get beers on a rooftop patio, and try and spit ice down girl's cleavage on the street below. hey, we're only young once.
so school starting is not that thrilling... except for the fact that i am so excited. which is really weird since ive never been excited about school before in my LIFE, but this september...my classes are interesting, most of my profs are good, and my social schedule is through the roof. the only night i have free this week is tonight, and that's only because i am hoping a certain someone will call last minute and be like "hey, let's go dancing", but that never happens anymore. why am i such a sucker for guys who are bad for me? honestly, i need to get over it.
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