A lazy hour we snatched from our structured schedules and spent it wisely, laying on the grass, in the sun, in the wind, discussing gender politics in society and Wes Anderson films, and every once in a while sighing and closing our eyes and heliotrophing towards the sun.
The Kooks played from his cracked ipod and across the field a boy with strange brown hair and white sunnies romanced a guitar into spilling forth the sweetest sounds.
Spring comes late in the North, and every morning I check the tree outside my window for buds, for little cracks of green that show yes, life is coming, and I don't tell people this but in my head I talk to the tree, encourage it, say "Please, let spring be here soon".
"We'll make an exception for you" he said with a smile that made me catch my breath, and it reminded me of almost two years ago when we were so in sync that our thoughts would get tangled and pull us under and we almost drowned, and that's why it didn't work out. It makes us friends now, but on a level that could easily slip back to what it formerly was and so be slow, proceed with caution, and watch your step.
I need a blood transfusion, a whole batch of new blood, I think.
To echo the new, the freshness of spring.
Please, let spring be here soon.
Such a beautiful picture. I feel like she is almost moving in front of my eyes.
ReplyDeleteThere's something hypnotic about this blog. I'm enjoying it a great deal.
ReplyDeleteStar Child: I will pass the compliment on to her, as she is a wonderful subject to shoot. It reminds me so much of summer, and long lazy days spent exploring the river valley with her and our dog molly. Aren't days like that the best?
ReplyDeleteSmithy: Hi, I'm happy to meet you, the creator of one of the funniest blogs I've read. Haha, as long as it doesn't put you to sleep then I'm satisfied, and please, keep up the good work on your end... it's a welcome burst of smiles over here.
Your entries just swim with imagery. Like Smithy said, it's almost hypnotic.
ReplyDeleteThe idea of a "whole batch of new blood" to celebrate the onset of spring is...poetic. Intoxicating. And quite well-put.
Write on, Jane.
Thank you Postman. I must encourage you to do the same, because you are the nicest, sweetest, most well-written blogger I've come across yet. Keep up the good work pal.